5. Positioning the Blocks

bulkheads are doomed w/o these


Study the diagram for the Glue Block layout carefully. If the blocks are fixed in the wrong location/orientation, the seats & decking will not install correctly later. The picture at the left shows what happens when you INCORRECTLY join Parts 1 and 2. Notice that the butt strap is not central to the joint This picture shows the blocks placed, but not yet glued. (This is when I discovered my error!) incorrect example
I used my router (yep, another useful power tool) to “grind out” a portion of the butt-strap. Otherwise, the hull and bulkheads would not assemble correctly later. See, everyone makes mistakes! Try to correct them as soon as possible after they happen. If I had simply continued and stitched the hull pieces together it would have been very difficult to fix this mistake. In the end, the area marked “needs fill” was simply left “as is”. post router grind

Glued Down + Bevel

The placement, and orientation of the blocks is very important. Notice from the picture at the right which side of the blocks have the bevel. The picture above is very large as I wanted to show the detail in the two insets in the lower corners. This is VERY important. block bevel big
The 6mm gap between the blocks and the butt strap is important. Later, a bulkhead edge will be inserted there. Note the bevel again. 6mm bevel
Again, the purpose of this picture was to emphasize the bevel. It points to the center of the boat. emphasize bevel