25. Fixing the Mast Steps & Fitting & Fixing the Footrest


Mast Step

I have combined both of these steps into a single page. I think you will find yourself doing both of these steps using the same batch of epoxy. Attaching the mast step is straighforward. My only suggestion is to apply multiple coats of epoxy (5 or 6) before attaching this item to the deck. The mast will beat this poor piece of wood quite heavily; since it comes in for a lot of “abuse” some extra protection is useful.
Also remember to make a drainage grove facing the cockpit. You Mirror kit will contain two of these pieces of wood (part #28). On my Mirror I installed only oneand kept the other piece as a spare part. Over time, these piece will wear down and eventually need replacing.


The footrest in installed and fitted over the battens. Some additional trimming may be necessary depending on the position of your battens.
Like the Mast Step, the Footrest also has a drainage grove to stop water from being trapped behind it. The instructions talking about “drawing a line” around the footrest. Again, as will all lines that will be visible, make this a very light line (or use a few small marks instead).